Tuesday, May 30, 2006

NAMBLA + Politics = Funny

Gotta hand it to these guys, while I don't agree on their position, at least they have a clear plan...


chebo said...

The Charity, Freedom and Diversity party?

I get the Freedom and Diversity part, however, could someone shed some light on the "Charity" part?

Pro Frink said...

That was a typo, should have been "The Cherry Freedom and Diversity Party"

NUT said...

Actually, their party name was shortened for certain reasons. The full name is the Charity, Hope, Independence, Liberty, Diversity, Freedom, Understanding, Caring, Kindness, Equality, Responsibility and Safety party. They don't like to use the full name because the acronym portrays them in negative light.

faginga said...

It's nice to see that they have other concerns to voice on their platform...legalized nudity, hard and soft drugs, AND FREE TRAIN TRAVEL FOR ALL!

Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.