Saturday, August 12, 2006

I think these two were framed!

You can tell by looking that these two are NOT GUILTY!

(I think I used to shoot pool with those guys!)

Friday, August 11, 2006

Don't fuck with the D-man

Or his playstation...

First Carmen and Dave...

I don't know how to go on. There is soooo much heartache in the world and when I hear that David Arquette can't make a relationship work, how can any of us?

Godspeed David and Courtney, godspeed

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Chebo, I'm Adding To Your Ohio Guy Post

Now this is a party!

"This photo taken and released by the Columbus Police Department, shows the passenger seat side of Maurice Clarett's SUV after Clarett was arrested Wednesday, Aug. 9, 2006 in Columbus, Ohio. Clarett was arrested early Wednesday after a highway chase that ended with police using Mace on the former Ohio State running back and finding four loaded guns in his sport utility vehicle, a police spokesman said. (AP Photo/Columbus Police Department)"

Let's Be Careful Out There

Just want to make sure everybody remains vigilant today and in the coming weeks. This blog has been identified to be at high risk of terrorist activities and at no time, should we let our guard down.

If you feel like blogging today, please practice extreme caution and wear a helmet.

We are only a few months away from a very important election, expect more TERROR!!!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

In this case, "Worthless Nut" is true!

I know I'm a Michigan fan and I know what you are thinking, but you are wrong. This kid had it all. He started for the Buckeyes as a freshman and won a national title in one of the great championship games of all time. If he stayed in college ONE more year, he's in the NFL right now. Instead....."…four loaded guns, a bottle of vodka and a HATCHET!" I'm sorry but the hatchet is the clincher for me. I know guys with loaded guns and booze in their cars......NONE OF THEM and I mean NONE, had a hatchet.

LOOK......all I'm saying is this, if this kid had gone to Michigan, he'd be "RICH BITCH"! OSU sucks, always has, always will. This school is starting to make Miami of the 80's look like a catholic school. (Mike, that was for you!)

So I guess I AM just a Michigan fan dumping on OSU at Maurice's expense. OH WELL, look at this way, he has great rap career ahead of him.

Monday, August 07, 2006

And The Results Are In

Based on the entries supplied over the past 7 days, I have to admit that the judging was difficult. There were so many aspects to this complex competition, but only one shall win.

All of the entries did churn the stomach in different ways and I found it hard to find one song over the other.

Since both songs were tied in the end in their suckiness, we had to go with the final category, the piss test. Unfortunately, Chebo tested positive for doping and the award goes to Ester and "Candy Pants!"

Congrats Ester, you deserve it!

Douche Bags...