Wednesday, June 14, 2006


I know who we are going to hire for this summer's block party!!! My favorite part is when he pretends like he is driving during the mandolin solo. I am thinking he will great next to the face painters and dunk tank.


Pro Frink said...

And Vegas didn't want him?

By the way, it's official. after seeing this video and other recent appearances by Roth, I can no longer listen to VH and not have that memory destroy my enjoyment of their older work.

Thanks Ester, you killed a god

Mr. Aunt Ester said...

No no...Don't blame me for his fall. Let's remember, the things I have posted HE WILLINGING DID ON TELEVISION...

Dave killed himself when he debuted She's My Machine on a special edition of Fox Sunday...

I only wish the Tony Danza show was still on so we could see a duet.