Friday, June 02, 2006

Say What?

Me thinks Mr. Copperfield is hitting the sauce again.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This Weeks: Good People Award

Jeffrey C. Anderson, 55, was charged with carrying a concealed firearm Monday after he brandished the flare gun, which was under a skirt he was wearing, Key West police spokeswoman Christie Phillips said.

Enough said!

I'm not sure who I'm rooting for here.

After some thought, I would like to see the marmots get some good press out of this and show prarie dogs that they can piss people off too.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Canadian PSA, Round Two

I was going to post only one originally, but this one is too good to keep from you guys. Creamer, anyone?

Louis' Four Day Outlook

I know this clip has been around for ever but it's a piece of art, admire it's beauty.

Was that a stapler at the end?

I guess there is a fine line between comedy and PSA's in Canada.

If we stop looking at porn, the terrorists win.

Sad times.

Better Keep Our Eye On This Guy

Sure, I've dropped all hope for Aykroyd ever since Caddyshack II, but now he has me worried. Don't know what he is up to, but I don't like it. Don't know what to think, just know that I need to be cautious.

Can you feel it?

I've heard of two left feet, but........

I have some questions and I want them answered immediately!

How much money will they waste on gloves?
How many fingernail clippers will he go through in his life?
If he is in fact LEFT HANDED and he can write and throw with both left hands, what will that be called?
Will the joke, "Two wrongs don't make a right but three lefts do!” be upsetting to him?
Instead of saying fifteen will he hold up all three of his hands?
How good of a juggler will he be?
How good of a guitarist will he be?
How good of a traffic cop will he be?
Will pushups be easier for him?
Will soccer be harder for him?

I'm keeping tabs on this kid.

I hope the doctors let him keep his arm so he can realize his full potential.

I ain't 'fraid of no ghost!

We all knew his career went south with Caddyshack 2, but did you ever think it would slide to this?

Do you think he wears the proton pack while narrating?

NAMBLA + Politics = Funny

Gotta hand it to these guys, while I don't agree on their position, at least they have a clear plan...

Monday, May 29, 2006

In response to Frink....

Frink, I read your comment on my last post. Instead of responding in a callous manner, I have decided to take the high road. Enjoy my friend.

P.S. He shot himself. He never hung.

Ta-Ta Tattoo...

Mess With The Bull, You Get The Horns