I wonder what this guy is asking for during this prayer session? Seems a bit odd to me, but then again, I'm not guided by a religion at the moment so what do I know? Chebo was an alter boy, bet he can help out here.
At any rate, permit me to throw this as an option:
Dear God,
Since I was told by somebody else that you like our religion the best, will you please drop these bombs on the others even though, if you think about it, since you can do no wrong, you did screw up and created some "bad" people. Not saying that you screwed up, because that would be wrong, so I guess we'll say that Satan did it instead. Ah, that's it, they're evil doers.
OK, let's try it again, put hands together and...
Dear God,
Help guide the sacred payload to bomb the shit out of the evil doers in the name of you. Yeah, that makes it much more tolerable for me to sleep at night...