Look, I know this kid looks funny and really can't sing that well. HOWEVER, what these people are doing will screw his life up FOREVER! They'll turn him into exactly what they hate.
So who is the real victim here? ME, that's who! I don't like this kid and he shouldn't win. I do, however, hate these "should have been killed with a coat hanger" ass-bags that are pulling this stunt, more. That being said, what am I/we to do????? Let's hope it works, let's hope that he wins and let's hope he puts out an album of Engelbert Humperdinck cover tunes that sucks like a twenty dollar crack whore.
Good luck Kevin, I'm pulling for ya' buddy!
Chebo, you raise some interesting questions and concerns. I for one am still trying to figure out why NONE of the american idol winners (with the exception of fat kelly) have done shit since they won? Has anyone even seen Fantasia Barrino since she took the crown?
Welcome to the club Chebo
p.s. - your blog entry is up for review
No my good sir, YOU'RE UP FOR REVIEW!!!
Pro Frink, I beg to differ with your point concerning past Idol winners. Tina Country-Pants, you know, the girl who beat Cokehead Alabama Dude last year, just had a particularly ballsy hit song last year with "Let Jesus Take the Wheel." Ballsy because A. Superb metaphor aside, the song was ACTUALLY about driving, and B. It's a well-documented historical fact that Jesus is an AWFUL driver.
That said, I agree with New Guy Bloggerson that Blinky McLisp should win American Idol and do that thing that, um, Tom said he should do.
Yours in nicknamery,
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