Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Look what the dick did...

Andy Dick, always on the cutting edge of comedy.


chebo said...

"I chose to make a joke about a subject that is not funny."

I'm not a manager or agent, but if I were, I would tell Mr. Dick, "Try not to use the words I, joke and not funny in the same sentence, it's bad for business!

me said...

Well, I don't like cutting frogs.

Michael B said...

He also appeared horribly drunk on "The View" and is taking pole dancing lessons from Paris Hilton...nothing is working so far. Still Andy Dick.

Pro Frink said...

When are we going to get a star to really freak out. Both of these guys are (I believe) out of work or at least out of mind.

I would like to see a kelly rippa meltdown...

That would make my day