Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I'll leave the Indians alone after this. I promise.

I think the guy running the radio is the one in the thriller video. But he's not the star this time!


Pro Frink said...

where to start?

first, i think Herve Villechaize looks a lot better as an indian

second, i hear that (what we saw) is what every indian family does for fun. EVERY family, EVERY night.

third, expect to see this sitcom resurface in america as we only know how to use other country's ideas. Prepare now!

Pro Frink said...

Fourth, Nut, what the hell? Did you accidentally put ".in" in your URL? Where the hell are you surfing these days?

Leave them alone, I don't need this to start a new war. By the way, wars have been started for less.

Way to go, jerk! I'll see you in the draft lines

chebo said...

That was a hairless Ewok! A dancing, smoking, hairless Ewok!

I want to party with that guy/kid/little person/hairless Ewok thing!