I know I'm a Michigan fan and I know what you are thinking, but you are wrong. This kid had it all. He started for the Buckeyes as a freshman and won a national title in one of the great championship games of all time. If he stayed in college ONE more year, he's in the NFL right now. Instead....."…four loaded guns, a bottle of vodka and a HATCHET!" I'm sorry but the hatchet is the clincher for me. I know guys with loaded guns and booze in their cars......NONE OF THEM and I mean NONE, had a hatchet.
LOOK......all I'm saying is this, if this kid had gone to Michigan, he'd be "RICH BITCH"! OSU sucks, always has, always will. This school is starting to make Miami of the 80's look like a catholic school. (Mike, that was for you!)
So I guess I AM just a Michigan fan dumping on OSU at Maurice's expense. OH WELL, look at this way, he has great rap career ahead of him.
Does this mean I get my CD's back?
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