They should try some "Men at Work". They've been driving people away for years.
Better yet, WHO FUCKING CARES? These are kids doing the same shit kids have been doing for 50 years. Kids, cars and music, I don't think Barry Fucking Manilow is going to change that. If he dose and Australia gets some credit for this working, life as we know it will change FOREVER!
Take this quatrain from Nostradamus:
"In a land under the Earth
a man who is low will rein."
Look it up dude, it's true.
So we have two options:
1.) Kill Barry Manilow
2.) Blow up Australia
In true man fashion, I will not be responsible for either since I came up with the idea. So get to work people, we don't have much time.
I say we Bury Manilow.
fast forward, 2 weeks later:
"The city of Sydney has been plagued by a gang of transvestites that worship the music of Barry Manilow..."
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