Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Smell Ya Later

For those of you that didn't follow this story, this dick is partially responsible for many of the ills America is suffering today. If you want a good laugh, go to his web site and read how he was "protecting us from radical liberals."

The only thing he should be considering protecting is his own ass when he goes to jail.

Hope you make a nice prison bitch and God bless

1 comment:

Mr. Aunt Ester said...

AH - You got up a little earlier than I did, I was going to post this one as well.

Frink, I think you have it wrong. I am tired of these liberal, Anti-Americans, flag burners drawing attention to little things like corruption. They need to stop wasting tax payers money by looking into things like kick backs and bribery and get back to defeating the evil doers.