Why yes it does...
This is a totally valid lawsuit. There was a smear campaign devised by the DEA that has left this gentleman unable to find speaking engagements. It was the internet that destroyed his good reputation. It had NOTHING to do with the fact that he accidentally shot off a weapon in a classroom full of children. For shame DEA, for shame.
Tell me that his lawyers didn't giggle as they finished up paragraph #10 and I'll tell you you're LYING. And that, my friends, is perjury. The prosecution rests.
I just love when he picks up the rifle and the KIDS tell him to put it down.
Also, I need to talk to you guys about my "accidental discharge."
I will give this ass clown props on one point. He held it together better than I would have. I would have been screaming like something that screams loud. I mean real loud! Like so loud you would be like, "Hey, who the hell is screaming SO LOUD!" That's how loud I would be screaming.
I have to pee!
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