I have a hard enough time with 16-year-old kids playing pro soccer and golf. Granted there are ways to die playing both soccer and golf, however the numbers are so ridiculous, no even talks about it. (Until now)
A nine-year-old bullfighter. Let me repeat that, A NINE YEAR OLD "BULLFIGHTER"! This kid is still trying to figure out what his "wiener" is for and thinks farts are as funny as it gets. (I have to agree with the latter) All that aside, they did make a rule change, just for little Rafita.
...and I quote..."His contests differ slightly from a regular bullfight. The animals are younger and somewhat smaller, and he does not give the matador’s final death blow with his sword. The ban on swordplay isn’t to protect Rafita, but rather the sport’s reputation.
Rafita isn’t strong enough yet to drive a full sword into a bull’s heart, and as a result, “he might just wound the animals, and then they would repeat the thing about (the sport) being a massacre,” said his manager, Jose San Martin, referring to bullfighting protests by animal rights activists."
Naaaa.....I'm pretty sure the animal rights people will forget everything when they see little Rafita just stabbing the younger bulls in the back. It's cute, because he's NINE! I mean this kid is going to get a full sized sword for his 14th birthday. Makes that BMX bike you got look like a toy for a pussy!
If you thought that child actors were messed up adults, just wait. This little sword-wielding maniac is going to be living on the cul-de-sac next to you in Happyasfuckville, USA. It won't be happy for too long. It'll start with drinking too much and making a scene at a backyard function. Then he'll start asking people, "Wanna see my sword?" Trust me, this kid is on a one way train to Shit town.
Let's just hope he takes a horn in the ass as soon as possible. It's the only way this kid will figure out that he should be throwing rocks at cars and not stabbing baby bulls.
Maybe this wouldn't happen if all the cool cartoons weren't drawn for potheads and only shown on cable at 11:00pm on Sunday nights.
Sorry, this ran long and got preachy. This is usually reserved for Profrink..........BURN!
Suck it losers!
1 comment:
From the looks of it, that bull is about ready to ram that kids ass.
Which brings me to another point about our administration. You see...
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